Black Widow Symbolic Meaning

Channeled by Quornesha S. Lemon| Shaman, Author, Transpersonal Life Coach| with Abilities in Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Mediumship, Animal Communication, Healing, Reiki Master Teacher, Crystal Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Hoodoo Practitioner, And so much more| Internal Wisdom:  The black widow is symbolic for illness or poison that can last very briefly yet, however, has a long-term effect. That makes one instantly feel as though one is passing from life unto death.

Take cautious steps in regard to your health, eating habits or consuming food or beverages from those you do not know very well. Take caution in trusting even those you know or think you know. Right now will not be the time to let down your guard in order to be more sociable or explore (in the sense of dining, drinking or change of any kind in what you prefer eating).

Spirit Reading

I can do a spirit reading to bring you closure about a loved one. And confirm that they are with you. $50.00 for 10-minute chat/text only


Follow the instructions of your instincts or intuition.

Take caution in poisons around the home that may or may not be exposed or in plain sight of children.

Consider your weaknesses, keep an open eye out for harm in this manner. Especially in this time, to which the immune system is quite vulnerable.

Take caution in any relations as well. You do not need to become more concerned with hindsight, rather with fore-thought and knowledge. Partners in question can be quite fleeting, quick and emotionless, especially if no relationship has been prior formed, before now.

Angel Readings

I can perform an angel number reading for you. This includes a decoding of angelic messages through dreams, visions, numbers, synchronicities or otherwise. 15 Minute reading. Your angels can consist of higher powers, loved ones who look over you, or elemental guides.


As you can obviously see, the Black Widow, speaks volumes of dangers and illnesses to do with one’s immune and physical self. If you are guided to not take on a certain habit(IE; Smoking, drinking, binge eating, multi partners,  etc) when you are being presented with the presence of the Black Widow, it is best to follow that guidance.

Even if you think nothing may be wrong it is best to check + take cautious steps to avoid such processes of stress, loss + turmoil. The black widow can also be symbolic of some mental + emotional pain one should experience.

The black widow comes as a forewarning for some danger that is imminent yet is certain that will occur. If one should experience such, healing of some kind will be required thereafter.

Shamanic Animal/Dream Interpretation

I will do a small shamanic animal/dream interpretation for you, that may have occurred in your waking life, dreams, visions or synchronicities.


Intuitive Conclusion: However, if none of the above, there will be some truths one will be unable to stomach once discovered about a close friend or relative. It’s time to understand that as a being having a human experience. One will experience things such as..betrayal, false criticism, hate or even envy. But there are bright sides to the experience, you’ll just have to stay grounded once they are found.

You need to look further into your signs at this time + make sure it’s specific, is it yes, no or maybe so. It can only be one of them.

While spiders are symbolic for a partner in question already spoken for, the Widow announces danger!

One Question Reading

One question detailed* reading for first-time or on the budget clients! This reading is exclusive to chat or text only…some exceptions are made, when necessary.*


However, if you are going into business, check your thoughts + intentions, the Black Widow is on the Same frequency as 666!



Quornesha S. Lemon 

Sacred Spirit Shaman™

The Prophetic Life Coach 

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The Above interpretation is a reflection of what it means to me, to join me and receive interpretations unique to you, requestYou can learn about your abilities in an hour session, and consecutively follow up with as many sessions as possible to fully awaken your own abilities in order to tap into the meanings and interpretations of your own dreams, and the signs all around you!  There’s no course material, as each individual and their purpose is unique. Also, this ensures, you are learning what is vital and necessary for you, not what is in ‘general’. You can heal and gain knowledge in a single session, or at least begin your journey to awakening. ©
Quornesha S. Lemon
Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Professional
Rituals| Reiki| Rootwork


24 thoughts on “Black Widow Symbolic Meaning

  1. Thanks for sharing. I found this very helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Cindy for your feedback. Blessings, Quornesha S.


  2. I found a dead black widow spider on my garden bed. We moved to our new home and I’m not what to think of this experience, I’ve never seen these spiders until now recently.


    1. Thanks for sharing your experience, Awakened soul. Love and Blessings,
      Quornesha S.
      Private Consultations:


  3. about eleven minutes ago. I walked down stairs and saw a black widow spider handing upside down on a web next to my closet. Immediately got up and grabbed my black and red notebook and flattened it. the back widows dead. though last night I did dream that I walked into a hospital building fatally ill. last week even my runes stones said death. I think this is a forwarning of some sort of fatal illness for me.


    1. Elizabeth, If you truly feel that way. Be careful what you eat and don’t trust others *without caution, for right now*. If you are doing things in any way that brings harm to others *not suggesting you are* this is fair warning. Dreams are prophecies, ya know. I can help with past life work if you are ready, in a private session. Namaste, Quornesha S. Blessings! You can also check out the tarot Cards, to bring you further clarity about the situations, it’s kinda DIY. Namaste! ♥♥♥ Love and Light!


      1. thank you so much! I’m not doing any harm to others. so it might be something that’s going to happen to me. well any way I will ask for protection from my angels and guides to the best of my ability. I feel I found your site for a reason. it helped in warning me. so thank you so very much. I was guided to this site for a reason. your advice is a blessing. thank you 🙂


      2. Hi Elizabeth! Lovely to hear about what you will do next! I ask that your prayers for protection are heard and answered to keep you safe from all evil intentions or harm. Ask angels for affirmations as well. Absolutely, everything happens for a reason! You are welcome! Love and Light! ~Quornesha S. ♥♥♥♥


  4. lately I’ve been having dreams of white scorpions. in one dream I dreamt that about a fifty white giant scorpions that scurried through an old town at night and snuck into people’s home’s and carried them away in there pinchers away into the night. I was in a small room and a giant scorpion tried to break through my door to get to me. I tried forcing the door shut. the dream changed and I stood on the street and I watched as a bearded man had his arms outstretched and he cried out for one of the scorpions to bring back his loved one. immediately I realized that this person being carried away by the giant scorpion was me. I also have some psychic gifts and I’ve started having visions of black widow spiders and scorpions in spirit around me. lately I’ve been seeing the scorpions in visions and dreams a lot more than the spiders. what do scorpions symbolize? having both of these insect guides warning me of something is making me scared. I’m clairaudient and clairvoyant and still learning how to interpret my gifts. last time black widow spiders came into my life my uncle died of stomach cancer a few days later. i feel another death is on it’s way. and i know it’s unavoidable. just thought i’d share.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My Condolences Elizabeth. I create Dream Analysis reports for $88.10. I write per the ‘feeling’ to write about a specific topic or guide or number or synchronicity. With your report I could include the meaning for you. However, If I must publicly write about it, it would have to come in it’s own timing when I get that feel for it. Love and Blessings, Quornesha S.



      1. I have been feeling sick since last night thats why i went to sleep early i dreamed of two black widows and i killed them in my room.


      2. Sorry you felt sick. Hopefully you’re doing better. ~Quornesha


  5. Beautifully written! I loved to read this, and have been researching nearly the whole day on the symbolism of a false widow spider.
    Yesterday I was at a local beach with someone I’m very close to and only friends with, but have deeply loved since really being able to know them the past two years and I watched what I believe to be (after an almost unnecessary amount of research into indigenous spiders in my area) a false widow crawl out of his hairline and onto his cheek. I stared at it for at least 3 seconds before saying, “uh dude,” and then as it went back into his hairline he must’ve felt it crawling and (for lack of a better word) he flicked it off. Only minutes later, a crow landed in front of us and walked around fearlessly, examining the area around us, not at all bothered by our presence or the waves approaching closer as the tide came in. The night before that day, I was talking to myself, asking the voices in my head for a subtle sign, a hint to which direction I should take. Currently I’m deep in a relationship with someone who may have been good for me, but I have let go of emotionally. Though I’ve wondered, since nothing is random, if I should stay with this person or pursue my deep love for (I’ll call him J) my friend. I wasn’t expecting anything huge, as I believe I’m claircognizant, I expected to just hear something in my own head as one of my thoughts that weren’t my own, but instead, witnessed multiple physical phenomena that I perceived as, not out of the ordinary but certainly strange to all happen in quick succession of each other.
    First, there was the train. It was, like I said, not entirely out of the ordinary to be stuck at a rail-road crossing waiting for the train to pass, and fairly quickly too, so I thought nothing of it, besides an uncertain and hopeful feeling that I was helpless to ignore.
    Then there was the spider.
    Then two ducks, that impractically appeared out of nowhere, like walking out of a wormhole. I’m sure that it was reasonably explainable, but they stuck around for a while, like the crow had, and they seemed to be completely un-bothered by our presence.
    After that there was the crow. Which, after actively researching the symbolism behind crows and taking a spirit animal quiz just for fun (following an intuition that nothing is random and it may become something that will lead to me to greater understanding) I’ve concluded is probably my spirit animal/power. The crow landed right in front of us and stuck around for a bit, until gradually walking further away and disappearing..
    Then there was another train. Instead of sitting for maybe a minute waiting for it to pass, it drove by with its seemingly infinite pull of cars behind it for at least twenty minutes. We were right in front of the train and the line of cars behind us must’ve grown to be at least 15 different vehicles.
    Then, finally there was the abandoned car. J had this place in mind that he wanted to show me. Normally when we do hangout it consists of working on his cars or adventuring the areas around Washington state, and I wholly trusted whatever place he was going to show me to be nothing below spectacular, and it wasn’t.
    There was a huge, hilly field covered in tall grass and mudding trails, with two standing utility poles at the top. We walked to up the, “easy way, ” which was just one of the mudding trails, and walked towards the utility poles. We walked southwest of the utility poles but not quite down the hill yet, and there was a rusty, abandoned car that had been reclaimed by nature. It was truly beautiful to see something that a human had left behind be reclaimed by nature itself. I turned to see the sunset which had gone from orange to nearly every color of the rainbow, separated only by clouds from the deeper blues of the sky directly above me.
    We headed towards the utility poles, climbed about halfway up the first ladder (I’d say it was around 20 feet though, my estimation skills are fairly awful) and decided it was too dark to continue. We went back down and as we were walking down a trail (it wasn’t really a trail, it probably had been at some point in the past but is now just overgrown and grassy, with traces of human interference), we got to talking, I unfortunately don’t remember the topic, and he told me that I was addictive to be around. Something I did not see coming at all. His exact words, “You’re addictive, [unlike other people I see often] you have a different mindset.”
    It helped me more to type all of this then all the research I’ve done today combined, thank you for listening.
    Much love, x.


    1. Thank you in the current turmoil in my life on Halloween I can across a big Black Widow spider. Today I began to think it was a sign and after ready this page I know it was. My long term boyfriend (30 years now)has made a abrupt change to our lives and moved in today a place where is up to no good while is sisters approve of this they cannot be trusted. I have always said Do Not take Medications or food from them and now see what the black widow was telling me
      Thank from Sacramento Ca


      1. I am so glad you’ve found me and that the message of the Black Widow Resonated so deeply with you. xoxo ~Quornesha


  6. Hi. Thanks for this info. I would love to have a reading done by you. Please email me. Thanks


    1. Hi Emily, Please go to or email at You did not leave your contact info.

      Quornesha S. Lemon


  7. Brandon Mikal 03/12/2018 — 6:40 am

    I need a reading done by you asap please. Brandon-Mikal


  8. Quornesha,
    Thank you for posting this detailed info on the Black Widow. My traditional teachings have allways warned me that the spider is a trickster and not to be trusted. It warns of someone close to you is plotting against you while pretending to be your ally. Today I found 3 Black Widow spiders outside where I cook food, 2 females and a male. I killed them all only because they were dangerous and in close proximity to where I cook. Afterwards, reflecting on my actions I feel that they were a warning of imminent danger from 2 females and a male close to me.


  9. I was getting in the car to take my granddaughter to school and I look at my arm and I seen a huge Black widow crawling on it I shook it off but cant stop thinking about it and I have a lot of health issues going on but nothing confermed yet been going on since 06 and getting worse


  10. This was awesomeness and really struck me deeply. I believe seeing the spider was real and has real and true meaning. I’m just not sure of which neg. Thing… Thank you for posting this info. I feel it is sincere. I will, get a reading, when I can. I really felt your spirit in this. Thanks


  11. wervishnu013 08/02/2020 — 2:58 pm

    Truly amazing insight. Some years ago I “befriended” a black widow spider. She seemed my only friend during that dark time. But however bad that time was for me things were about to get much worse. I did feel she was warning me too be more in tune and in balance with my true self but did not heed her warning. Things got much worse indeed but we’re on the other side of that now and all is well. Although I never forgot my many nights with that spider, I never looked up the black widow’s meaning spiritually or otherwise until today and looking back and comparing your insight to my experience you’re spot on and totally on point. Just a question, this information was channeled through you? Either way good stuff and thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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