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Certification Received in Life Coaching

In order to integrate empowering you to fulfill your purpose I have implemented some life coaching techniques into the Consultations. To assist you with defining YOU! And Living your best Life Now! xoxo Quornesha

Completed: A Master Class with Oscar Winning Actor, Dustin Hoffman To Illuminating the way to creating better media for our future. “You’re in good hands”™\

Certification Received: A Course in Stress Management to Integrate living a Life of Emotional Freedom into the Courses + Sessions Available Here. “You’re in Good Hands”♪  To empower you to manage stress, time, + personality to expel extreme stress levels.

Certification Attained: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Instructed By BACP Certified Psychotherapist Libby Seery of London @ Renaissance Life Therapies of 29 Harley Street London

  1.   A volunteer member of an online Prayer Community(, Providing Spiritual support to those in need!
  2. Interactive Member of the Oprah Winfrey Network’s online Community for OWN (OwnlyHear) to empower Greater Media + Entertainment For the Network.
  3. Featured on As An Owner, Highlighted for Life Coaching.
  4. Once Endorsed on The Michael Berry Show, Caller of the Year with focuses On Life Coaching
  5. Built A Movement [26 Days of™] Geared toward helping others take control, to live their best Life, In the now!
  6. Developed Several Successful Reiki Techniques [2, 5, 7 11]for Thousands to follow along and get familiar with me as A Psychic Medium + Intuitive Reiki Master and it’s processes.
  7. A Columnist and Writer to empower YOU to live Life Abundantly and Fully illuminated with your true intentions.
  8. Experience in working with the Supernatural, Metaphysical, Mental, And Angelic World
  9. Certification CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) To integrate techniques into the classes, sessions or bookings to do with thought patterns, behaviors. e.g: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, (all techniques and knowledge in inset) (Skillsology) To empower the reiki + inner knowing/psychic ability associated with every session or concern further. Instructed by Libby Seery A BACP certified psychotherapist. [London]
  10. Happiness Team Leader for UC Berkley’s E-Course; The Science of Happiness
  11. Project Management Certificate of Completion = Attained November 3. 2015
  12. Positive Psychology (Science of Happiness) Certificate of Completion Via UC Berkley Completed December 2, 2015
  13. Started and Completed a Movement to Assist others in Living their best Life (26 Days of™)
  14. Started and Completed a Healing Movement (27 Days of™)
  15. Spiritually Graduated from Intuitive Reiki Master to Seichim Master Healer (All Love Energy)
  16. A Divine Channeler for some of the greatest Legends and Leaders that have ever lived. (Divine Channels) (Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and More
  17. Featured on Seasons 6 of The Talk as a Social Talker
  18. NBC Panelist
  19. One Performance @ Improv Theater on Katy Freeway in Houston @ Open Mic Night

Connect with me.

Quornesha S. Facebook: for Symbolic Meanings

Training + Certificate Attained In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to assist with concerns about;  PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and others.

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