About Quornesha S.

Welcome Beautiful Souls, I am a Starseed, Hence all of my Natural Born Abilities. My Heritage is Cherokee, Irish and African. Celebrities both Living and Deceased contact me telepathically, and I channel for some of the Greatest: Mahatma Gandhi, Maya Angelou, Dr.Martin Luther King Jr, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and so much more.

Divine Channels as an example of the celebrity collective of channels 

My Life path is 8. My Star Sign is Virgo and Scorpio Rising. And Dragon in Chinese Astrology. I withhold no religions. I only Practice my inner beliefs. I am a Clairvoyant Medium, (Past, Present, and Future) + channeler for Spirits, Spirit Guides, Angelic Messages, Loved ones, animals, and past lives.

I work with angels, Numerology, Colors, Symbolism, astrology, Reiki, Seichim all love, energy + Tarot. I’ve worked with OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) as a Media Adviser in the OwnlyHear Community for their Network, Offering Unbiased Opinions and Perspectives. I am featured on Oprah.com As an Owner (Community Member) I’ve been featured on The Michael Berry Show for Life Coaching, I enjoy the performing arts, in particular, Voice Acting and Stand Up Comedy. I serve my purpose and work on my personal dreams as well. I am a Psychic Consultant Intended for  Media, Egyptian Healing and Personal.

I write based on the Symbolic meanings of dreams, visions, waking life, and synchronicity or events occurring in one’s life or dreams. I am a natural Born Healer or channel for healing. I have the ability to transmute and foretell. I also, have the ability of telepathy and can clearly tell what the future holds.

I have studied with the best on The Subject of Happiness via UC Berkley, (Sonja Lyubomirsky and Professor Dacher Keltner)
I’ve led a Happiness team, which included students from Yale University, Berkley and Howard University (See credentials)*

My training is extensive in Positive Psychology, Happiness, Life coaching, stress management + Acting, With Oscar Winning actor, Dustin Hoffman. View the credentials for verification. I have the ability to expel any level of energy or entity that no longer serves me or clients. For those who are looking to further their journey, a reading or healing session can always be booked.
I have overcome 26 Years of adversity including Psychological Battles of the Mind, Homelessness, Poverty, Physical Paralysis and More.
I am leaving my Legacy, One Day at a time.

About: I am Shaman & Transpersonal Life Coach| with abilities of Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant, Healer, Certified Reiki Master Teacher & So much more. : Quornesha S.  Through the use of Reiki [Ray-Key] symbols and Egyptian Healing I help others heal from stress and increase energy, with the power of Love. Easing, & expelling habits & addictions in the process. Many times what we think of ourselves or about the world,  and what we do (habits) we have no control over, or so it seems. Basically due to our environment and how we have experienced life so far (Belief). Through Egyptian healing, Via reiki symbols, Your energy is increased and stress decreased so that you may welcome more good into your life through the power and flow of great vibrations in your body, mind, soul, and environment. I cleanse and clear your life with the use of powerful energy at a distance, or via in person, without ever the need of direct touch. Egyptian Healing, however, can also be performed hands on! As with Psychic Abilities which have been inherited at birth, I am able to tune my vibrations with that of said client/persons, to read/sense/feel/acknowledge thoughts/vibrations/facts through foreknowledge and intuition. Gaining wisdom through Divine mind/energy/spirit so that one may use in his/her life to propel themselves and their goals with grace and excellence.

About Me: As a healer and Medium, it is natural born, and an ability that has helped me through many adverse situations for 26 years of my life. From Intense Psychological constraints such as anxiety, clinical depression, to physical paralysis, Family violence, homelessness & oppression in several aspects of my life. To which all occurrences are simply summed up, as adversity. I didn’t quite use my abilities until I was about 5. These abilities were formed as dreams and images.  As I grew older and felt more acute or sensitive, I believed I was able to move objects already in motion. Being able to Divine certain situations to my favor. The odds seemed stacked against me for 26 years of my life as part of my past life experience. Many of this has shaped and formed me into the generous and compassionate person I am today, more importantly, has taught me to become a master of life and not a victim.

About the Healing: When going through Depression, Oppression, and Psychological battles of the mind, I asked for a way out. I took a walk near water, connected with the animals and something spoke to me or through me and I begin to use my hands to connect with my heart, my surroundings, nature, my chakras, my soul, and my future. I began this healing in the form of Movements at no cost to others. I just felt the need to share it more than charge for it at that time, to specify, the energy is very valuable and still is. As part of life lessons and philanthropy, my time was shared/given wherever I felt led to.  People from around the world began to connect with me and participate. I’d hear from them how they immediately felt shifts in their perception/perspective.

About The Media Consulting: I collected thousands of Movies once, from Matilda to the Matrix. God knows how I love a good visual. My idea of a good time is great food and a Movie or documentary. I could always tell which movies were good and which ones’ weren’t. I first started my movement in the media industry by commenting on several blogs across the industry.  I am a panelist in OWNLY Hear, where I participate and am often welcomed to offer insight and clarity as to which shows are a great fit to the network. I have connected with the producers there as well as the moderators. I was invited to the life you want tour with Oprah and several other Media/Spiritual Panelists as a contribution to my efforts in the community. I am featured on Oprah.com As an Owner. I was a social Talker once for the Talk on CBS, which I was informed that I belonged on television and that My time and energy was enjoyed via a producer of the show. I am currently a Peacock Panelist. And I am also a Social Media Panelist, offering forethought on news around the world through several media Platforms. My thought is that everyone wants insight, and clarity as to what is going on in the world, unbiasedly™.

About the Prayer: When facing the years of adversity to which I have overcome, I needed to talk to God a lot. I needed someone to be there for me. But no one was more consistent than I was to myself. So I learned to pray with power through consistently going to God for all that I was going through. And it is always unbiased.

About the Purpose: 

Purpose: To teach everyone to help themselves, so that they may teach their students and their students become teachers and teach their students so that we can continue the cycle of learning and teaching self-reliance. Which is vital to our growth in our world. We are all light! We are born of our true selves when we begin to gain an understanding as to the reason we exist.

About the Ability/Psychic Power: I am able to communicate with your loved ones as well as foresee/know things that are forthcoming. Sometimes, without knowing how I know it. Spirit shows up to me in many forms, through music, images, visions, dreams, voices, names, events, situations, and is not limited to it. All is Love and all is of God. Balls are never required to receive my information….Pendulum Balls, Crystal balls, etc. This ability is naturally given to me. It allows me as a conduit, to be able to interpret dreams and symbolic messages. This ability isn’t in any way to convince anyone or to ease any skepticism. Whenever I attend funerals, the spirit often comes forward and allows me to be the strength for their loved ones. Through this ability, I am able to connect with animals, and angels, as well as ascended masters. I have channeled messages from Wayne Dyer to Mother Teresa, Dr. King to Maya Angelou, George Washington to Mahatma Gandhi through Divine Channeling. This ability I consider as Prophecy. Because these messages come from God, it is a promise more than a prediction, directly from God himself or it or herself if you prefer.

How it works: Egyptian Healing *All Love*: This healing allows you to heal and clear yourself and loved ones from the potential crisis. Or things that have happened in the past that we’d like to move forward from. Doesn’t matter what it is. The energy healing itself reduces stress and raises your energy levels. To where you feel balanced as opposed to feeling overwhelmed by situations or things that may have transpired in your past.  The Psychic Ability allows you to heal as well, providing clarity so that you move forward from any angst, worry or fear you may have about your life or any other aspect that matters to you. It is never a requirement that one has certain beliefs with this form of healing. Also, it is important to know that this level of healing connects with every aspect of your situation to heal it deeply.

About the Energy Used In A Session: There are three parts to this healing, Seichim + Sekhem + Seichem, Energy, *Also known as All Love Healing* Which is all summed up into One powerful module… Egyptian Healing. The Egyptians used this energy thousands of years ago to heal wounds and to connect with spirit and believers with their spiritual energy. As I send healing energy to you, I am Connecting you with your heart space. I Mastered reiki *a Stress Reduction technique* on all levels before ascending to this level of healing. It is said, that when you do things from your heart space it is more meaningful as opposed to working from our cognitive where logical thinking abounds. When we are in the heart space we get creative and open our minds to all possibilities and we free ourselves of judgment or logic while tap into the potential to become who we really are and often, attain it.

I welcome projects based on film, documentary, personal, television, and Print to help you make decisions that align you with purpose and fate. 

Quornesha S. Lemon, Shaman & Transpersonal Life Coach

Credentials to confirm the source of information



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